By partnering with local delis, snack shops, and restaurants, you can create this free but very popular auction item where winning bidders can get a menu item named after them. This can range from entrees to desserts to new drinks, giving you plenty of different options to offer during your auction. Offering an annual membership to the local zoo or aquarium can be a great item to offer at your silent auction. It’s a gift that keeps on giving as there are so many things to enjoy at the destination. You can get these by partnering with local organizations who will be happy to donate an annual membership (with various tiers) to your auction in exchange for being mentioned as a sponsor. If your nonprofit organization already offers such attractions, you can provide bidders with access to your own institution.
FCS is focused on the science and art of living and working well in our complex world. NEAFCS is a national association that represents the Extension of land grant universities across the nation teaching Family and Consumer Science. Our membership is 2,824 members strong across 50 states and 3 provinces. SAFE Harbor opened a thrift store in 2018 and since that time, the community has supported Sister Sallie’s with donations, volunteers, and shoppers. Your team can utilize BetterWorld’s simple fulfillment center to distribute the items to each winner and send thanks to everyone who participated. Make sure your fundraising event doesn’t overlap with other outreach opportunities, like holiday parties or annual giving campaigns.
If you don’t want to offer a discounted shipping cost, enter the same amount in both fields. When entering shipping costs, you have two fields to enter for each shipping option – Cost and With Another Item. The Cost field is the primary shipping cost and the With Another Item field is the discounted shipping cost. The With Another Item shipping cost will only be used when more than one item is paid for on a single invoice. To get best items for silent auction of which shipping cost is used when calculating shipping costs for an invoice.
Intel – Intel provides funding for national grants and community grants. They focus on nonprofits that seek to advance math, science, and engineering education. Intel does not make in-kind or product donations to nonprofit organizations.
Including too few items results in many of your eager guests leaving empty-handed and money left on the table. Bundle of Gift Cards – Gift cards to national chain businesses help maximize the attractiveness of this package. High end Grill or Smoker Package – For the grill enthusiasts participating in our online auction, gather an assortment of top-of-the-line outdoor grilling or smoker equipment.